Dr. Michael Booth
2007This recipient of the 2007 Don LaBerge award is Dr. Michael Booth.
Michael was Section Head, Analytical Services at Ontario Hydro Research Division from 1980-1993. He became a CAEAL assessor in 1994, has conducted 69 assessments (volunteer and contract) and is currently a member of the CAEAL Advisory Panel.
The development and on-going improvements to the audit software is a significant contribution to the accreditation program. The audit software has facilitated assessors writing reports during the site assessment, and the professional report given to the laboratory is a good reflection on the program. The use of the software has resulted, no doubt, in significant cost-savings for CAEAL because a staff person does not have to type handwritten reports into the database.
In his role on the Advisory Panel, Michael reviews and votes on ballots in a timely fashion, and based on comments received back, it is evident that he is reviewing them in a thorough manner. When asked for advice on disputes or technical issues, Michael provides good advice in a timely manner.
Congratulations, Michael!