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The CALA Document Library is a repository of important documents used by CALA members and Program participants.


Program Requirements

Accreditation Program, Policies and Procedures A06
CALA License Agreement P23
Policy on Remote Assessments A140-01
Guidance for Labs on Remote Assessments A140-02
Fee Schedule P02-02
Matrix and Sub-Matrix Guide A136
Proficiency Testing Policy for Accreditation P02-03
Terms and Conditions of Accreditation P04-01
New Accreditation Application P04-03
Accreditation Application Excel Analyte Template P04-analyte_template
Publicity Policy P03
CALA Application of Requirements in IS0/IEC 17025:2017 P07-2017
CALA Measurement Uncertainty Policy P19-01
Guidance on the Implementation of the CALA Uncertainty Policy P19-02
CALA Policy on Group Accreditation A143
Transfer of Accreditation P26
CALA Policy on Reference Methods A12
CALA Traceability Policy A61-01
CALA Guidance on Traceability A61-02
Laboratory Proficiency Testing Plan A118
CALA Sampling Policy A137
CALA Guidance on Meeting Proficiency Testing Requirements A139
PT Corrective Action Report (CAR) Form F56
Accreditation Program Target Timelines A125
CALA Policy on the Accreditation of Calculated Analytes A131

Information Documents

Guidelines for New Labs A107
Guidelines for Laboratory Relocation A115
Impartiality Policy A138
Disputes and Appeals within CALA Programs Q28
Feedback within CALA Programs Q25

ISO/IEC 17025

Joint ISO-ILAC-IAF Communique

Site Assessments

Rating Guide Appendix – 2017 (English) A03-2017
Trace of Tests Report (English) A16-2017
Cross Reference to Laboratory Management System A18-2017
Microbiology Checklist A24
CCME Checklist A66
Bulk Asbestos Fibre Counting Checklist A69
Guidelines for Radionuclide Testing A74
Flash Point A81
Responding to Required Actions A83
Cryptosporidium/Giardia Filtration Checklist A119
Mould Checklist A122
Toxicology Checklist A126
TCLP Checklist A130
Method Verification of Toxicology Test Methods A124
Alga checklist S46-00
Ceriodaphnia checklist S46-01
Champia checklist S46-02
Chironomus checklist S46-03
Daphnia 2000 checklist S46-04
Earthworm checklist S46-05
Echinoid checklist S46-06
Echinoid Embryo Larval checklist S46-06b
Hyalella checklist S46-07
Inland silverside checklist S46-08
Lemna checklist S46-09
Luminescent bacteria checklist- basic test S46-10
Luminescent bacteria checklist- Solid Phase S46-11
Marine amphipod checklist S46-12
Rainbow trout checklist S46-13
Salmonid ELS checklist S46-14
Springtail checklist S46-15
Terrestrial Plant Checklist S46-16
Topsmelt checklist S46-17
Fathead Minnow checklist S46-19
pH Stabilization Checklist – Wastewater/Effluent S46-20
Boreal Plant Checklist S46-21
Stickleback Checklist S46-22
Polychaete Checklist S46-23
pH Stabilization Checklist – Pulp and Paper Effluent S46-24
Acartia Tonsa Checklist S46-26
Mite Method Checklist S46-27

Other Resources

The Advantages of Being an Accredited Laboratory ILAC
Why Become An Accredited Laboratory? ILAC
Why Use An Accredited Laboratory? ILAC
How Does Using An Accredited Laboratory Benefit Government & Regulators? ILAC

Guidance and/or Requirements for Sample Containers, Preservation and Hold Times

CALA Guide to Current Sampling Practices
Ontario Sampling Guidance document for laboratories analyzing drinking water


Training Resources

CALA Training Path
Training Fee Schedule P02-06


AGM Minutes

2023 AGM Minutes
2022 AGM Minutes
2021 AGM Minutes
2020 AGM Minutes


By-Laws G02
Governance Manual G03

Annual Reports

2022 Annual Report
2021 Annual Report
2020 Annual Report
2023 Annual Report
2019 Annual Report
2018 Annual Report
2017 Annual Report
2016 Annual Report
2015 Annual Report
2014 Annual Report
2013 Annual Report
2012 Annual Report
2011 Annual Report
2010 Annual Report

Quality System

Conflict of Interest Q14
CALA Code of Ethics Q05
Privacy Policy AD06
Feedback within CALA Programs Q25
Disputes and Appeals within CALA Programs Q28
Volunteer Complaints and Grievance Procedures AD06-08


2023 Financial Audit
2022 Financial Audit
2021 Financial Audit
2020 Financial Audit
2019 Financial Audit
2018 Financial Audit
2017 Financial Audit
2016 Financial Audit
2015 Financial Audit
2014 Financial Audit
2013 Financial Audit
2012 Financial Audit
2011 Financial Audit
2010 Financial Audit

Stakeholder Input

Currently No Content Available for Stakeholder Input

Currently No Documents Available for Stakeholder Input

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