Withdrawn Laboratories

The following is a list of laboratories that have withdrawn from the CALA Accreditation Program.


AGAT Laboratories (Calgary)

2910 12th Street N.E., Calgary, AB, T2E 7P7

Laboratory # 2702

Date of withdrawal: 18-February-2025


Nautilus Environmental Inc. (Burnaby)

8664 Commerce Court, Burnaby, BC, V5A 4N7

Laboratory # 3525

Date of withdrawal: 07-March-2025



McRina Laboratories Inc.
140-3751 Jacombs Rd., Richmond, BC V6V 2R4
Laboratory #5026
Date of withdrawal: 4-September-2024

Ontario Water Testing Centre Inc.
20 Currie St., Chatham, ON  N7M 6L9
Laboratory #3227
Date of withdrawal: 30-April-2024

Manitoba Hydro, Brandon Laboratory
3305 Victoria Ave. East, Brandon, MB  R7A 7J8
Laboratory #3241
Date of withdrawal: 30-April-2024


Petroleum Analytical Laboratories
129 – 6 Research Drive, Regina, SK S4S 7J7
Laboratory #3089
Date of withdrawal: 06-March-2023


AGAT Laboratories (Burnaby)
120 – 8600 Glenlyon Parkway, Burnaby, BC V5J 0B6
Laboratory #3788
Date of withdrawal: 11-January-2022

QAS Ltd.
A-43, 64089, 393 Avenue E  Okotoks, AB T1S 0L1
Laboratory #4118
Date of withdrawal: 19-December-2022

Windsor Salt Ltd., Lindbergh Facility
17 Km East of Elk Point on Hwy 646, 56415 Range Road 51A, Elk Point, AB  T0A 1A0
Laboratory #3323
Date of withdrawal: 5-December-2022


Laboratorio de Medio Ambiente y QA/QC
Campamento Minero Yanacocha, S/N La Encanada district, Cajamarca, Lima Peru
Laboratory #3471
Date of withdrawal: 11-November-2021

Cape Breton Regional Hospital – Microbiology
1482 George Street, Sydney, NS  B1P 1P3
Laboratory #3401
Date of withdrawal: 21-October-2021

AGAT Laboratories (Grand Prairie)
10203B – 123 Street Forester Street, Grand Prairie, AB   T8V 8B7
Laboratory #3573
Date of withdrawal: 13-July-2021

Commodity Lab Vancouver Inc, Control Union Canada Inc.
104-173 Forester Street, North Vancouver, BC   V7H 0A6
Laboratory #4079
Date of withdrawal: 31-Mar-2021

Perdue Analytical Laboratory, Laurentian University of Sudbury
Cliff Fielding Research, Innovation and Engineering Building
Sudbury, ON   P3E 2C6
Laboratory #3216
Date of withdrawal: 31-Mar-2021

Last updated 03-March-2025

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