Volunteer Recognition


Volunteer Service Recognition Pin

Established in 2011, the CALA “Volunteer Service Recognition Pin” program is a way to recognize these outstanding individuals and their contributions. The pins recognize service for 5 years or greater, in increments of 5 years. CALA has a standardized approach for the award of these volunteer recognition pins:


Assessors reaching an award milestone (5,10,15,20,25,or 30 years) will be presented their pin at the CALA Connects training event for their region.

Volunteer Awards

CALA Connects is also the perfect opportunity to recognize extraordinary individual efforts with the presentation of two service awards. The Don LaBerge Award and Serge Villard Award recognize outstanding efforts, achievements and contributions of individuals in the service of CALA.

Volunteer Awards

 The Don LaBerge Award and Serge Villard Award recognize outstanding efforts, achievements and contributions of individuals in the service of CALA.
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