Linda Neimor
The recipient of the 2006 Serge Villard Award is Ms. Linda Neimor.
Ms. Neimor has a B. Sc. From the University of Winnipeg and has been employed in the environmental public and private sectors since 1974. She has 22 years experience in performing inorganic and organic tests on environmental and industrial hygiene matrices, and for the past ten years has worked in the private sector quality assurance field at the local and corporate level. She is a member of the AIHA EMLAP Advisory Panel and EMPAT Task Force.
Ms. Neimor started assessing on behalf of CAEAL in 1999, and since then, has volunteered her time on 19 assessments – and led 10 of them. By the luck of the draw, she has been evaluated in this role at least twice – once by the State of Georgia and once by APLAC – and both times, demonstrated her strengths as a Lead Assessor and technical expert. She is a RABQSA certified assessor, and has been a Member of the CAEAL Advisory Panel since 2002. In her role on the Advisory Panel, she always has made time to provide expertise to staff, and her advice is always well-grounded and practical.
Congratulations, Linda!