Dr. Richard Wilson

The recipient of the 2010 Don LaBerge award is Dr. Richard Wilson.

Rick was appointed the association’s Executive Director in August 1994 and fourteen years later when he retired, CALA was recognized around the world as an organization worthy of respect in advancing quality issues. Rick will tell you that CALA’s recognition was achieved by the members, the volunteers and the staff, however this fails to recognize the contribution of the person who set the tone for these successes. Yes, Rick did not necessarily accomplish them, but he did facilitate them. He acted as our guide so that we could all succeed, to our individual benefits, to the benefit of the association, to the benefit of the members, and to the benefit of Canadians – our ultimate customers.

Rick Wilson on behalf of CALA, was inspirational, motivational, forgiving, dedicated, and unassuming. A leader by any definition and a very deserving recipient of the 2010 Don LaBerge Award.

Congratulations Rick!

Dr. Richard Wilson CALA President James Doull, presents to Rick Wilson.

Dr. Richard Wilson

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